From my friend, Bubba...
[on being called out by a liberal...]
Since you are so much more nowlegeable in the world learnin' i will call you 'fore i make any decisions. i be not able to make up my own brain on world thingies. the democraters tell me i be stupid for bein' buddy buddy with bush. i really am stupid for that. me needs a leader like kerry who goes against my morals, favors man 'n man rights, wants to make checks to the gov't more biggerest, and has a PLAN for everything. it must be being a goodest plan i reckon, cause he ain't be tellin' what it be. me hopin' this amail gets back to you as i be stupid and not know electric boxes and i not use a stamp.
Bubba Rose
I guess liberals cannot understand that they are asking us to choose their values over ours. Our values, by definition, require that they be held as most important in our lives.
We have chosen to embrace them. We're accused of not thinking for ourselves; most of us have carefully weighed our options and decided this is the better road. I set the same challenge to the accusers: Do you think for yourselves, or did you buy every bit of Mr. Moore's propaganda? Is your "thought" limited to complaining with your friends, to reading every anti-Bush editorial you can find, to MTV? If you are really the free thinkers you claim to be, why don't you actually
try to understand our point of view instead of blindly insulting us?
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