Geek Code
It's been a while, I guess. I spent Thanksgiving Break at Jon's place, which was a lot of fun. The time since has been spent working on projects.[VakStat: initial coding complete with successful compilation - remains untested]
Project due Friday, next Tuesday, and next Thursday. (Hopefully) only final this semester!!
I'm embarrassed to say I just recently learned about the Geek Code. (I learned about it from that schmuck Wil Wheaton's website. If you really care, you can look it up yourself. He's almost as far left as you can go. As if Wesley wasn't enough reason to not like him...)
Here my code if you care:
Version: 3.1
GCS/E d-() s-:+> a-- C+(++)$ ULS@ P+ L+ E--- W++ !N o--? K-? w+>$ !O--- M+@ V-? PS--(-) PE+(++) Y+ PGP- t+ !5- !X !R- tv b(+) DI++(+++) D G e++>+++ h-() r* y?
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